Friday, August 5, 2016

Communication with People with Autism

Communication problems are central to autism .Therefore, special care must be taken to know what each person understands and how to best give messages. Our messages to people are conveyed through tone of voice ,Gestures , Body language and choice of words. It’s important to create a relationship through which everybody can feel respected .Consider using Visual means to convey information whenever possible. Visual information is more concrete and enduring.

The following general techniques are helpful:

1. Be positive as possible . Praise often and honestly .Notice the good things. Ignore things that don’t matter. Many individual are conditioned to react negatively to “no” or “don’t “ .These works may only trigger a signal that somebody is made or something os wrong but give no information about how to correct it. Use these words sparingly and only when you must have immediate compliance. Be specific when prasing.

Example : “ You did a good job. You washed your hands” is better than , “You are a good boy.”

2. Teach Individual to listen Many Repetitions of directions teaches people not to listen to the words and thus to be avoided .Instead , follow a set of procedure such as “Sara , come to the table “ accompanied by a picture and /or gesture. Wait and give time processing and moving . Repeat using picture and or gesture wither with or without verbal. “Sara , come to the table.” If he does not come move towards the table and gently assist her towards the table. In this way Sara will learn to listen and follow the direction .If you give a direction , make sure that you have the individual’s attention and that it is followed. Learners learn that they do not need to comply when adults do not consistenly require them to do what is asked.

3. Know what you want the person to do. Be very clear in your own mind what you want the learners to do and why. Be sure you are making a reasonable request and one which they are capable of doing.

Example: “ will you go to lunch when you are ready “ is too vague. “Ready” must be defined. “Shut the computer off, then we will go to lunch” gives more information.

4. Give adequate information Tell learners in advance what is going to happen next .If there are changes , inform them and involve them in plans. Let the learner know what will happen and what behavior is expected. Use language , picture , gesture they understand . Daily schedule boards and sequence routines made with charts , check off sheets and pictures are concrete way to provide information.

5. Use language that is simple , clear and concise as possible. People with Autism can only comprehend a limited amount of language directed at them . It is best to concise . loading to many directions and explanations creates frustration and confusion . Individual can be taught to listen and follow two and three step directions .If the language is kept specific and concise . Usually they need individual direction rather than group directions.

Example : “ Pick up your paint, wash your hands , and go to music” Some people may not be able to follow all of this and may give up or get confused. When several steps are required , break the directions up to allow the receiver to complete one step before a second direction is given.

Example : “ It is time for music. Put the paint in the box.”

When the person is finished , say “wash your hands”.

Then ,” Go and sit on the rug for the music”.

6. Tell the learners what to do instead of telling them what not to do, whenever this is practical.

Example : Person throws the food on the floor. Say, “Pick it up and put it in the sink”.( the two part direction may need to be broken up into two one-part directions.) “Don’t throw food “. Only tells him what he just did.

7. Be as neutral as possible when giving directions. The tone of voice, a facial expression , or the difference of a word can change the meaning of a question , direction or statement. When giving direction ,state what needs to be done and avoid challenges .Individual tend to become defensive or upset and try to avoid or do the opposite of what is asked when directions are given in a threatening manner.

Example :Say, “It’s time to go to the library .” Avoid ,”You must go to the library now.”

Asking questions ,”where are you supposed to be?” or “ what are you supposed to be doing?” Can help the person correct his behavior if said in a neutral tone. However, an entirely different message can be conveyed by the tone of voice. Sometime children become dependent on these verbal cues instead of self-initiating .Although many individuals with autism cannot ask or answer questions, they can learn set questions as a cue to stop and think and return to a place a activity on their own.

8. Avoid asking questions with a choice unless the person really has a choice. Directions are given to be followed or to provide information. Do not ask the person if he wants to do something unless you are prepared to accept “No” Clear statements provide information needed to carry out the request. Pictures may be substituted for words, especially in helping the person know sequential happenings. Gestures to objects and environmental cues are sometimes better than words.

Example : Say “ Priya , come to the music room” or “ Priya , Music” or point to the picture. Avoid “Are you ready for music”?

Example : say ,”come to dinner” or point to the picture of the table, or tap the table. Avoid “Lets come to the table, O.K”?

Example: Say, “Write your name on the top of the paper” or provide an example. Avoid, “ can you write your name on the top of the paper”?

9. Teach people to respond immediately to learned words, Phases Gestures ,Environmental cues or questions . These help set expectations and permit the person to function more appropriately in a variety of settings. They may also serve as a safety device.

Example : “ wait,” “ out of bound,” “ Stop”, “Find something to do,” “ what do you want to do next”?

10. Label feelings Individuals with autism have great difficulty recognizing the feelings of others and expressing their own feelings .Labeling expressions of feeling in natural situations help them gain information if accompanied by the reason for the feelings.

Example : “I ‘m sad ,You broke my necklace.”” I’m happy. You shared your popcorn with me.”

Example : “You are upset that you have to come in.” “ Going swimming makes you happy.” “ Sumit hit you , it makes you sad.”

11. Avoid labeling people Usually , people know when they have done something bad. Criticizing or attaching negatives labels to people not only reduce their self-esteem and self-confidence . Statements that clearly define the expectations , but do not attack the self-image, help people gain a positive picture of themselves.

Exapmle : “ Go change your pants” is better than “ You are mess.” “Keep your hands to yourself” is better than “ You are a bad boy .You hit Ramit.” You are then using the moment to teach as well.

12. Avoid Reprimands :Use set rules that are consistent and neutral Reprimands are the Benefits of the adults , not the learners. They have little meaning to most individual with autism will not change behavior.

Example : Avoid saying , “You know better than that “ or “I’ve told you not to go into the street a hundred times.” Say, “The rule is , ride bike on the sidewalk.”

Avoid saying, “ Don’t take form him.” Say ,” it’s his turn now.”

13. Avoid Threats : Threats are negative way to give consequences. They often provide a negative response.

Example : Say, “Get your money. Then we’ll go to the store,” Avoid saying “ If you don’t get your money , then we can’t go to the store.”

Example : Say, “ Be quite, then we will go to the playground “.Avoid saying “If you aren’t quite , you won’t get to go to play.”

Example: Avoid saying “ If you throw that block at Priya again , You may not play with toys anymore.” This statement is vague and therefore may act as challenge and probably cannot b enforced. What does throwing the block mean ? what does the person need to learn about playing or cleaning up? How long does “ anymore” last?


  1. Ms. Rastogi,
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    Else please mail me on

  2. Ms. Rastogi,
    Thanks for leaving your email ID.
    I have mailed you.
