Thursday, December 15, 2016

Teaching Calendar to special need kid

How to Get Started with Calendar Skills

When I was ready to teach calendar skills to my children with special needs, I read up on the topic. We tried a few different methods, this is what worked for us. Calendar skills are necessary for daily living and special needs kids can learn to use a calendar too! I hope this helps someone else in the future.

Teaching the Concept of One Day

Step 1

Begin by teaching the child a concept of a day. The child will get an idea of how long it takes a day to pass with repetition of an activity. Here are some ideas to get started:

*Get a calendar with one sheet per day. Make it the child's job to tear off a page each morning.

*Use a monthly calendar and have the child be responsible for crossing off the day as it passes.

*Talk about how the sun comes up in the morning and goes down at night. Show the child a visual representation of day and night if they have trouble with the concept.

Teaching the Concept of a Week

Step 2

Once the child has had plenty of practice understanding one day. Introduce the concept of one week. Explain to them that a week has 7 days. Show this to them on a calendar. Sing songs about 7 days in a week.

Introduce the days of the week to them as sight words. Point out that there are 7 of them and practice reading the day of the week each day, Monday, Tuesday, etc.

In addition to singing the days of the week in order, you can practice saying them. An alternative is simply to repeat the days of the week slowly in order. Do this frequently.

These days of the week free printable cards are perfect for sight word practice. They have symbols on them to help the child arrange them in order, before they are able to do it by the word alone. Sing the days of the week song, have them practice putting the days in the week in order and read each day from the days of the week sight word cards until the child has the days of the week memorized.

Often, it was easiest for us to simply read across the kitchen calendar days of the week in order. The calendar was always readily available, on the refrigerator, and it provided plenty of repetition to read them daily. After doing this for a while, we practiced putting them in order. If the child became stuck, we would run to the kitchen calendar and look to see what day came next.

Visual prompts often help children with special needs to commit new concepts to memory. For example, a picture of the sun on "Sunday," wind on "Wednesday," and 2 on "Tuesday," helped them read the words correctly.
Months of the Year
Teaching Calendar Skills to Special Needs Kids

At the beginning of each month, use the opportunity to prepare the calendar. This is a wonderful chance to talk to kids about the special events that occur in a month. For example, October is about falling leaves, pumpkins, windy days and harvest. Let the child color the calendar. Help the child choose colors that represent the month. Stickers and photos cut from a magazine can also be placed on the calendar. Discuss any special events that occur in the month, such as Halloween in October.

Make your own Calendar

Make your own calendar use a scene to be colored for each month. The word January, for example, can be colored along with a border of snowmen and snowflakes. It can also have page to be filled in with drawings, so kids can make their own artwork about the month of January, or cut pictures from magazines. Set aside a day to do calendar and talk about the weather and the season for that month.

It's a paper calendar, so we crossed off the day as it passed with a big X. It can also have stickers to plan for special occasions in the month, such as holidays and doctor appointments.

Hope it would be helpful , Cheers !!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Students Who Struggle to Write.

Helping Students Who Struggle to Write: Classroom Strategies

I shake myself to stop daydreaming…Writing is definitely the worst task of all. It was just way too hard to remember all the things I need, like periods and capital letters. And then it's almost impossible to think about how to spell words when I'm busy trying to think about the story. It's so hard to remember what I'm writing about.

— Eli Richards from The Boy Who Hated to Write: Understanding Dysgraphia, p. 36

Classroom Strategies

Some example of classroom strategies include the following:

1. Staging

Dividing the task into smaller units and performing each subtask independently.Some students become overwhelmed because tasks appear to be too large or have too many steps. Staging helps them focus on each subtask with greater concentration and an emphasis on quality.

2. Decreasing quantity

Allowing the student to perform fewer math problems, write fewer sentences, or write a shorter story. Some students work so hard for each problem that they find it very difficult to perform an entire assignment or even to concentrate on the concept. Students with writing difficulties sometimes learn more from fewer problems because their concentration is more efficient. Allowing for shorter assignments encourages the student to focus on quality rather than quantity, thus often decreasing the urge to rush through.
3. Increasing time

Providing the student with more time to finish his work. Many times a student may be capable of completing the work, but unable to do so in the same amount of time as his peers. The extra time decreases the tendency for rushing through and can increase the focus on quality.

4. Copying

Reducing or eliminating copying demands, such as copying from the chalkboard, or even copying from another paper.

Sometimes students with writing difficulties make multiple mistakes when copying information and it is important to insure that they have access to the correct information. For example, rather than having them copy the target information from the board, provide these students with a printed copy.

5. Providing structure for math

Using large graph paper or loose-leaf paper turned sideways helps the student align numbers properly in multi-step math problems.

Some students benefit from having their math problems machine copied in enlarged format with additional white space, as this also prevents errors in copying the problem.

6. Adjusting writing format

Allowing each student to choose the format that is most comfortable.

Some students perform better in manuscript whereas other students perform better using cursive. Allowing work to be completed by computer word processing helps the student use staging more efficiently while also bypassing the mechanical difficulties of letter form and space.

7. Spelling

Allowing for misspelling on in-class assignments. Hold students responsible for correct spelling on final drafts, encouraging use of a phonics-based spell checker .

CAUTION: It is unfair and counterproductive to make a student with writing problems stay in for recess to finish work. These children need more movement time, not less.


The most efficient compensation for any student who struggles with basic letter form and spacing is to develop efficient word-processing skills. Parents and teachers need to be aware; however, that it is very difficult to go through life totally avoiding use of paper and pencil and, consequently, it is important for each student to develop at least some basic handwriting skills.

Specific multisensory strategies designed for dysgraphic students are useful for any student who needs help developing appropriate letter form and automatic motor movements. Specific remedial strategies that incorporate air writing, use of the vertical plane (chalkboard), simultaneous verbal cues, and reinforcement with tactile input, are most effective .

In today's world, keyboarding skills are valuable for all students, but are particularly essential for the student who struggles with writing and/or spelling difficulties. Students are able to learn keyboarding skills at a very young age. However, keyboarding development requires practice and many students complain that the practice is especially boring. This can be a problem because consistency and frequency of practice are very important in developing automaticity. Consequently, it is useful to have the student practice keyboarding on a daily basis, but only for very short period of time each day. In early elementary, the student may practice only 5 to 10 minutes a night. In upper elementary, the practice sessions could be 10 to 15 minutes a night. If the student is just beginning to learn keyboarding as a teenager, it may be necessary to extend the practice sessions to 15 to 20 minutes a night. The consistency of the practice is critical.

Many fun and efficient software programs are available to help students learn appropriate keyboarding. Offering access to a variety of programs helps decrease boredom and allows for choice, as the student may select different software each night. Alternate programs have also been developed which teach keyboarding skills based on the alphabetical sequence. One such program starts with the left hand and uses a poem which begins, "little finger a, reach for b, same finger c, d, e," .


Many students with writing struggles are slow and/or inefficient when taking notes. This is particularly laborious for older students in high school or college, who have much greater note taking demands. While a laptop computer can be efficient, it can be cumbersome to carry around. Also, it is expensive to fix or replace a vandalized, dropped, or otherwise broken computer.

A successful alternative that has become popular with some older students is the use of a personal digital assistant (PDA) such as the PalmPilot series or the Visor Handspring series. These units are quite small (palm size) and easy to transport in a backpack. A nearly standard size keyboard can be attached which greatly facilitates typing and, hence, note- taking. This is especially useful for recording homework assignments and "to do" lists. For note-taking during a lecture, many students still require the assistance of a note-taker, even if the complete notes are only used as a backup.

Many students who struggle with writing also have difficulties with spelling. Even if they are able to spell correctly on a weekly spelling test, when they're thinking of content it may be very difficult to also think of the correct spelling of the words they want. Some students then simplify their word usage. Other students just include the incorrectly spelled word.

When such students use a staging approach, they can first focus on pre-organization and then writing (or typing) a draft. A next step would be to go back and work on fixing misspelled words.

Sometimes the spell checker on a computer does not help the student because the misspelled word is not close enough to correct. In such situations, the student should be taught to develop strong phonetic analysis skills so that she can learn to spell words phonetically, the way they sound.

Hand fatigue

A common complaint of students who struggle to write is that their hand gets tired when writing. This can be due to a variety of factors. Some of the most common factors are inappropriate grip, a very tight pencil grip, or inefficient writing posture. There are many efficient grippers that can be used with the pencil or pen to enhance the efficiency of the students grasp on the pencil. One example, the large Pencil Grip , is ergonomically developed to work with the natural physiology of the hand to gently place fingers in the proper position for gripping.

Students can be helped to decrease hand fatigue by performing warm-up activities before writing in the middle of the task. Such activities help the student manipulate and relax muscles in the writing hand. Some examples include:
Rubbing palms of hands together
Shaking hands slightly though firmly
Clasping hands together and stretching upwards

For older students who need to take a large number of notes during a class, dividing their paper in half and writing on only one half the time helps reduce the drag of the writing instrument across the paper. This too will reduce writing fatigue.

Caution for Teachers

One of the best compensations for a student who struggles with writing is to have a teacher that understands. For some students it is not possible to be neat while also focusing on content. Some students cannot focus on both neatness and use of writing mechanics at the same time. In Eli, The Boy Who Hated to Write: Understanding Dysgraphia (Richards, 2008), we learn how elementary school student Eli compensated for the frustration caused by his struggles with trying to be neat while also thinking:

Eli figured it was easier to write just a few sentences. That didn't hurt his hand so much either. His teachers complained, but Eli kept writing very short stories. After all, teachers didn't understand what it was like to struggle and struggle to write, and still have the paper turn out sloppy and full of mistakes. They always told him how messy his papers were. They just couldn't understand how hard he tried. No matter how carefully he worked, the words didn't look like they were supposed to. Sometimes he knew how he wanted the words to look, but they just didn't turn out that way.

This is why a staging approach is critical. Requiring concentration on only one or two aspects at a time will help reduce the overload for a student.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Riya 's Story (Learning Disability)

When Riya was in the first grade, her teacher started teaching the students how to read. Riya’s parents were really surprised when Riya had a lot of trouble. She was bright and eager, so they thought that reading would come easily to her. It didn’t. She couldn’t match the letters to their sounds or combine the letters to create words.

Riya’s problems continued into second grade. She still wasn’t reading, and she was having trouble with writing, too. The school asked Riya’s mom for permission to evaluate Riya to find out what was causing her problems. Riya’s mom gave permission for the evaluation.

The school conducted an evaluation and learned that Riya has a learning disability. She started getting special help in school right away.

Riya’s still getting that special help. She works with a reading specialist and a resource room teacher every day. She’s in the fourth grade now, and she’s made real progress! She is working hard to bring her reading and writing up to grade level. With help from the school, she’ll keep learning and doing well.

What are Learning Disabilities?

Learning disability is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. A learning disability can cause a person to have trouble learning and using certain skills. The skills most often affected are: reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math. “Learning disabilities” is not the only term used to describe these difficulties. Others include:

dyslexia—which refers to difficulties in reading;

dysgraphia—which refers to difficulties in writing; and

dyscalcula—which refers to difficulties in math.

Learning disabilities (LD) vary from person to person. One person with LD may not have the same kind of learning problems as another person with LD. Riya, in our example above, has trouble with reading and writing. Another person with LD may have problems with understanding math. Still another person may have trouble in both of these areas, as well as with understanding what people are saying.

Researchers think that learning disabilities are caused by differences in how a person’s brain works and how it processes information. Children with learning disabilities are not “dumb” or “lazy.” In fact, they usually have average or above average intelligence. Their brains just process information differently.

There is no “cure” for learning disabilities. They are life-long. However, children with LD can be high achievers and can be taught ways to get around the learning disability. With the right help, children with LD can and do learn successfully.

What Are the Signs of Learning Disability?

While there is no one “sign” that a person has a learning disability, there are certain clues. We’ve listed a few below. Most relate to elementary school tasks, because learning disabilities tend to be identified in elementary school. This is because school focuses on the very things that may be difficult for the child—reading, writing, math, listening, speaking, and reasoning. A child probably won’t show all of these signs, or even most of them. However, if a child shows a number of these problems, then parents and the teacher should consider the possibility that the child has a learning disability

When a child has a learning disability, he or she:

• may have trouble learning the alphabet, rhyming words, or connecting letters to their sounds;

• may make many mistakes when reading aloud, and repeat and pause often; • may not understand what he or she reads;

• may have real trouble with spelling;

• may have very messy handwriting or hold a pencil awkwardly; • may struggle to express ideas in writing;

• may learn language late and have a limited vocabulary;

• may have trouble remembering the sounds that letters make or hearing slight differences between words;

• may have trouble understanding jokes, comic strips, and sarcasm;

• may have trouble following directions;

• may mispronounce words or use a wrong word that sounds similar;may have trouble organizing what he or she wants to say or not be able to think of the word he or she needs for writing or conversation;

• may not follow the social rules of conversation, such as taking turns, and may stand too close to the listener;

• may confuse math symbols and misread numbers;

• may not be able to retell a story in order (what happened first, second, third); or

• may not know where to begin a task or how to go on from there. If a child has unexpected problems learning to read, write, listen, speak, or do math, then teachers and parents may want to investigate more. The same is true if the child is struggling to do any one of these skills. The child may need to be evaluated to see if he or she has a learning disability

At school level what a teacher can do

Learn as much as you can about the different types of LD. The resources and organizations listed below can help you identify specific techniques and strategies to support the student educationally.

Seize the opportunity to make an enormous difference in this student’s life! Find out and emphasize what the student’s strengths and interests are. Give the student positive feedback and lots of opportunities for practice.

Provide instruction and accommodations to address the student’s special needs. Examples:

• breaking tasks into smaller steps, and giving directions verbally and in writing;

• giving the student more time to finish schoolwork or take tests;

• letting the student with reading problems use instructional materials that are accessible to those with print disabilities;

• letting the student with listening difficulties borrow notes from a classmate or use a tape recorder; and

• letting the student with writing difficulties use a computer with specialized software that spell checks, grammar checks, or recognizes speech.

Learn about the different testing modifications that can really help a student with LD show what he or she has learned.

Teach organizational skills, study skills, and learning strategies. These help all students but are particularly helpful to those with LD.

Work with the student’s parents to create an IEP tailored to meet the student’s needs.

Establish a positive working relationship with the student’s parents. Through regular communication, exchange information about the student’s progress at school.

At home

Learn about LD. The more you know, the more you can help yourself and your child.

Praise your child when he or she does well. Children with LD are often very good at a variety of things.

Find out what your child really enjoys doing, such as dancing, playing soccer, or working with computers. Give your child plenty of opportunities to pursue his or her strengths and talents. Find out the ways your child learns best. Does he or she learn by hands-on practice, looking, or listening? Help your child learn through his or her areas of strength.

Let your son or daughter help with household chores. These can build self-confidence and concrete skills. Keep instructions simple, break down tasks into smaller steps, and reward your child’s efforts with praise.

Make homework a priority. Read more about how to help your child be a success at homework in the resources listed below.

Pay attention to your child’s mental health (and your own!). Be open to counseling, which can help your child deal with frustration, feel better about himself or herself, and learn more about social skills.

Talk to other parents whose children have LD. Parents can share practical advice and emotional support.

Meet with school personnel and help develop an IEP to address your child’s needs. Plan what accommodations your child needs, and don’t forget to talk about AIM or assistive technology! Establish a positive working relationship with your child’s teacher. Through regular communication, exchange information about your child’s progress at home and at school.


Learning disabilities clearly affect some of the key skills in life—reading, writing, doing math. Because many people have learning disabilities, there is a great deal of expertise and support available. Take advantage of the many organizations focused on LD. Their materials and their work are intended solely to help families, students, educators, and others understand LD and address it in ways that have long-lasting impact.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Guiding Young Children


1. Use a positive suggestion when dealing with young children. Tell the child what to do instead of what not to do. "We walk in the halls," instead of "Don't run." Speak with a pleasant and encouraging voice and always use "please" and "thank you." Bossy commands should be avoided

2. Use alternative suggestions rather than negative commands. Suggest an alternative activity, instead of "Don't do that" when a child is exhibiting negative behavior. If a toy is taken from another child suggest a way to share or choose another toy to play with. Children cannot stop doing, but they can do something different.

3. Always praise and emphasize aspects of behavior that are desirable. Let the child know you have confidence in his/her ability to use them. "Sarah knows about scissors," "Henry is remembering to keep water in the sink," "Mike is very thoughtful to help Richie pick up the crayons." Try to comment on good aspects of a child's behavior, especially a child who often exhibits negative behavior.

4. Always use "positive strokes." This develops a sense of security, trust and self worth in a shy and withdrawn child, as well as a normal child. Give shy and withdrawn children an opportunity for success in social situations such as helping the teacher or another child, helping others notice their achievements, giving them praise and encouragement, noticing a new shirt or belt or a pretty color they are wearing.

5. Try to use a calm, soft voice. Speaking softly maintains calmness. Firm but soft voices are more effective than harsh, loud voices.

6. Anger should be avoided in the presence of children. Adults and children alike have limits of endurance. Punishing and scolding are seldom effective when one is angry. Simply stating that you "f eel angry today because. . ." lets the children know how you feel without losing control.

7. Avoid public confrontations with children. Difficult children should be handled individually , without calling attention to their negative behavior.

8. Observe a child's behavior to better understand that child's behavior. A push by a young child may indicate a desire for social contact; another child's push may indicate fatigue, illness, etc. Before attempting to change a behavior one must understand the reason behind that behavior.

9. Avoid the use of "good girl" or "bad boy." "What a good helper you are," or "That was a good job," should be used instead of "That's a good boy." The child applies good and bad to his actions rather than himself.

10. Be consistent in your requests and restrictions. Have rules and enforce them. Always let the child know what is expected of him.

11. Explain the reasons behind the rules whenever possible. "Put the toys in the box. If you throw them, they might break and we might get hurt." This helps the child learn cause/effect relationships.

12. Do not back down on the rules you have made. "If you throw the blocks, you will have to leave the block area." Follow up on this rule if it is broken. Make the child leave if he throws the blocks and he will soon learn that you mean what you say.

13. Give children choices whenever possible. This tends to give children a feeling of freedom in determining their own plans and develops decision making ability. Make the choice simple, as not to confuse the child. "Would you like to color or play with Legos?"

14. Avoid general statements. Preschool children respond better to specific requests. "Put your clothes on" is a general request which makes the task seem complicated for a three- or four-year-old. "Put on your socks," "Now put on your sneakers," are specific requests that tell the child what you expect of him/her.

15. Avoid asking a question unless you really want to give children a choice. "It is time to read a story," instead of "Do you want to read a story?" With a classroom full of children one should avoid asking "Who would like to be the first to. . .";instead you should say, "Jane, you can be first to. . ."

16. Avoid hurried commands. Use unhurried statements such as, "You can do it quickly" instead of "Hurry up, hurry up." Hurrying a child often tends to slow him up and often produces dislike and confusion for a task.

17. Isolate overactive children from the group whenever possible, not as a punishment but to decrease the stimulation the child is receiving. Helping the child understand why he is being isolated is very important. He/she should be made to understand it is not a punishment, just a calming down time.

18. Avoid asking the child "What is it?" when commenting on art work or any object the child might show you. Encourage the child to tell you about his picture or toy, or just simply comment on how pretty it is or what nice colors were used in a drawing or painting.

19. Help children to understand and accept their feelings as normal. Children, as well as adults, have feelings of happiness, sadness, anger, loneliness, etc. Children should never be made to feel guilt about how they feel.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Teaching High Functioning People with Autism

Teaching High Functioning People with Autism

1.People with Autism have trouble with organizational skills, regardless of their intelligence and/or age. Even a “straight A” student with Autism who has a photographic memory can be incapable of remembering to bring a pencil to class or of remembering a deadline for an assignment. In such cases, aid should be provided in the least restrictive way possible. Strategies could include having the student put a picture of a pencil on the cover of his notebook or maintaining a list of assignments to be completed at home. Always praise the student when She or he remembers something he has previously forgotten. Never denigrate or “harp” at her or him when he fails. A lecture on the subject will not only NOT help, it will often make the problem worse. He may begin to believe he can not remember to do or bring these things. These students seem to have either the neatest or the messiest desks or lockers in the school. The one with the messiest desk will need your help in frequent cleanups of the desk or locker so that he can find things. Simply remember that he is probably not making a conscious choice to be messy. He is most likely incapable of this organizational task without specific training. Attempt to train her or him in organizational skills using small, specific steps. People with Autism have problems with abstract and conceptual thinking. Some may eventually acquire abstract skills, but others never will. When abstract concepts must be used, use visual cues, such as drawings or written words, to augment the abstract idea. Avoid asking vague questions such as, “Why did you do that?” Instead, say, “I did not like it when you slammed your book down when I said it was time for gym. Next time put the book down gently and tell me you are angry. Were you showing me that you did not want to go to gym, or that you did not want to stop reading?” Avoid asking essay type questions. Be as concrete as possible in all your interactions with these students.

2. An increase in unusual or difficult behaviors probably indicates an increase in stress. Sometimes stress is caused by feeling a loss of control. Many times the stress will only be alleviated when the student physically removes himself from the stressful event or situation. If this occurs, a program should be set up to assist the student in reentering and/or staying in the stressful situation. When this occurs, a “safe place” or “safe person” may come in handy.

3. Do not take misbehavior personally. The high functioning person with Autism is not a manipulative, scheming person who is trying to make life difficult. They are seldom, if ever, capable of being manipulative. Usually misbehavior is the result of efforts to survive experiences which may be confusing, disorienting or frightening. People with Autism are, by virtue of their disability, egocentric. Most have extreme difficulty reading the reactions of others.

4. Most high functioning people with Autism use and interpret speech literally. Until you know the capabilities of the individual, you should avoid: – idioms (e.g., save your breath, jump the gun, second thoughts) – double meanings (most jokes have double meanings) – sarcasm (e.g., saying, “Great!” after he has just spilled a bottle of ketchup on the table) – nicknames – “cute” names (e.g., Pal, Buddy, Wise Guy)

5. Remember that facial expressions and other social cues may not work. Most individuals with Autism have difficulty reading facial expressions and interpreting “body language”.

6. If the student does not seem to be learning a task, break it down into smaller steps or present the task in several ways (e.g., visually, verbally, physically).

7. Avoid verbal overload. Be clear. Use shorter sentences if you perceive that the student is not fully understanding you. Although the student probably does not have a hearing problem and may be paying attention, he may have difficulty understanding your main point and identifying important information.

8. Prepare the student for all environmental and/or changes in routine, such as assembly, substitute teacher and rescheduling. Use a written or visual schedule to prepare her or him for change.

9. Behavior management works, but if incorrectly used, it can encourage robot-like behavior, provide only a short term behavior change or result in some form of aggression. Use positive and chronologically age appropriate behavior procedures.

10. Consistent treatment and expectations from everyone is vital.

11. Be aware that normal levels of auditory and visual input can be perceived by the student as too much or too little. For example, the hum or florescent lighting is extremely distracting for some people with Autism. Consider environmental changes such as removing “visual clutter” from the room or seating changes if the student seems distracted or upset by his classroom environment.

12. If your high functioning student with Autism uses repetitive verbal arguments and/or repetitive verbal questions, you need to interrupt what can become a continuing, repetitive litany. Continually responding in a logical manner or arguing back seldom stops this behavior. The subject of the argument or question is not always the subject which has upset him or her. More often the individual is communicating a feeling of loss of control or uncertainty about someone or something in the environment. Try requesting that he write down the question or argumentative statement. Then write down your reply. This usually begins to calm her or him down and stops the repetitive activity.

13. If that doesn’t work, write down his repetitive question or argument and ask her or him to write down a logical reply (perhaps one he thinks you would make). This distracts from the escalating verbal aspect of the situation and may give her or him a more socially acceptable way of expressing frustration or anxiety. Another alternative is role-playing the repetitive argument or question with you taking his part and having her or him answer you as he thinks you might.

14. Since these individuals experience various communication difficulties, do not rely on students with Autism to relay important messages to their parent/guardians about school events, assignments, school rules, etc., unless you try it on an experimental basis with follow-up or unless you are already certain that the student has mastered this skill. Even sending home a note for his parent/guardians may not work. The student may not remember to deliver the note or may lose it before reaching home. Phone calls to parent/guardians work best until the skill can be developed. Frequent and accurate communication between the teacher and parent/guardian (or primary caregiver) is very important.

15. If your class involves pairing off or choosing partners, either draw numbers or use some other arbitrary means of pairing. Or ask an especially kind student if he or she would agree to choose the individual with Autism as a partner before the pairing takes place. The student with Autism is most often the individual left with no partner. This is unfortunate since these students could benefit most from having a partner.

16. Assume nothing when assessing skills. For example, the individual with Autism may be a “math whiz” in Algebra, but not able to make simple change at a cash register. Or, she or he may have an incredible memory about books she or he has read, speeches she or he has heard or sports statistics, but still may not be able to remember to bring a pencil to class. Uneven skills development is a hallmark of Autism.

Be Positive

Be Creative

Be Flexible

Friday, August 5, 2016

Communication with People with Autism

Communication problems are central to autism .Therefore, special care must be taken to know what each person understands and how to best give messages. Our messages to people are conveyed through tone of voice ,Gestures , Body language and choice of words. It’s important to create a relationship through which everybody can feel respected .Consider using Visual means to convey information whenever possible. Visual information is more concrete and enduring.

The following general techniques are helpful:

1. Be positive as possible . Praise often and honestly .Notice the good things. Ignore things that don’t matter. Many individual are conditioned to react negatively to “no” or “don’t “ .These works may only trigger a signal that somebody is made or something os wrong but give no information about how to correct it. Use these words sparingly and only when you must have immediate compliance. Be specific when prasing.

Example : “ You did a good job. You washed your hands” is better than , “You are a good boy.”

2. Teach Individual to listen Many Repetitions of directions teaches people not to listen to the words and thus to be avoided .Instead , follow a set of procedure such as “Sara , come to the table “ accompanied by a picture and /or gesture. Wait and give time processing and moving . Repeat using picture and or gesture wither with or without verbal. “Sara , come to the table.” If he does not come move towards the table and gently assist her towards the table. In this way Sara will learn to listen and follow the direction .If you give a direction , make sure that you have the individual’s attention and that it is followed. Learners learn that they do not need to comply when adults do not consistenly require them to do what is asked.

3. Know what you want the person to do. Be very clear in your own mind what you want the learners to do and why. Be sure you are making a reasonable request and one which they are capable of doing.

Example: “ will you go to lunch when you are ready “ is too vague. “Ready” must be defined. “Shut the computer off, then we will go to lunch” gives more information.

4. Give adequate information Tell learners in advance what is going to happen next .If there are changes , inform them and involve them in plans. Let the learner know what will happen and what behavior is expected. Use language , picture , gesture they understand . Daily schedule boards and sequence routines made with charts , check off sheets and pictures are concrete way to provide information.

5. Use language that is simple , clear and concise as possible. People with Autism can only comprehend a limited amount of language directed at them . It is best to concise . loading to many directions and explanations creates frustration and confusion . Individual can be taught to listen and follow two and three step directions .If the language is kept specific and concise . Usually they need individual direction rather than group directions.

Example : “ Pick up your paint, wash your hands , and go to music” Some people may not be able to follow all of this and may give up or get confused. When several steps are required , break the directions up to allow the receiver to complete one step before a second direction is given.

Example : “ It is time for music. Put the paint in the box.”

When the person is finished , say “wash your hands”.

Then ,” Go and sit on the rug for the music”.

6. Tell the learners what to do instead of telling them what not to do, whenever this is practical.

Example : Person throws the food on the floor. Say, “Pick it up and put it in the sink”.( the two part direction may need to be broken up into two one-part directions.) “Don’t throw food “. Only tells him what he just did.

7. Be as neutral as possible when giving directions. The tone of voice, a facial expression , or the difference of a word can change the meaning of a question , direction or statement. When giving direction ,state what needs to be done and avoid challenges .Individual tend to become defensive or upset and try to avoid or do the opposite of what is asked when directions are given in a threatening manner.

Example :Say, “It’s time to go to the library .” Avoid ,”You must go to the library now.”

Asking questions ,”where are you supposed to be?” or “ what are you supposed to be doing?” Can help the person correct his behavior if said in a neutral tone. However, an entirely different message can be conveyed by the tone of voice. Sometime children become dependent on these verbal cues instead of self-initiating .Although many individuals with autism cannot ask or answer questions, they can learn set questions as a cue to stop and think and return to a place a activity on their own.

8. Avoid asking questions with a choice unless the person really has a choice. Directions are given to be followed or to provide information. Do not ask the person if he wants to do something unless you are prepared to accept “No” Clear statements provide information needed to carry out the request. Pictures may be substituted for words, especially in helping the person know sequential happenings. Gestures to objects and environmental cues are sometimes better than words.

Example : Say “ Priya , come to the music room” or “ Priya , Music” or point to the picture. Avoid “Are you ready for music”?

Example : say ,”come to dinner” or point to the picture of the table, or tap the table. Avoid “Lets come to the table, O.K”?

Example: Say, “Write your name on the top of the paper” or provide an example. Avoid, “ can you write your name on the top of the paper”?

9. Teach people to respond immediately to learned words, Phases Gestures ,Environmental cues or questions . These help set expectations and permit the person to function more appropriately in a variety of settings. They may also serve as a safety device.

Example : “ wait,” “ out of bound,” “ Stop”, “Find something to do,” “ what do you want to do next”?

10. Label feelings Individuals with autism have great difficulty recognizing the feelings of others and expressing their own feelings .Labeling expressions of feeling in natural situations help them gain information if accompanied by the reason for the feelings.

Example : “I ‘m sad ,You broke my necklace.”” I’m happy. You shared your popcorn with me.”

Example : “You are upset that you have to come in.” “ Going swimming makes you happy.” “ Sumit hit you , it makes you sad.”

11. Avoid labeling people Usually , people know when they have done something bad. Criticizing or attaching negatives labels to people not only reduce their self-esteem and self-confidence . Statements that clearly define the expectations , but do not attack the self-image, help people gain a positive picture of themselves.

Exapmle : “ Go change your pants” is better than “ You are mess.” “Keep your hands to yourself” is better than “ You are a bad boy .You hit Ramit.” You are then using the moment to teach as well.

12. Avoid Reprimands :Use set rules that are consistent and neutral Reprimands are the Benefits of the adults , not the learners. They have little meaning to most individual with autism will not change behavior.

Example : Avoid saying , “You know better than that “ or “I’ve told you not to go into the street a hundred times.” Say, “The rule is , ride bike on the sidewalk.”

Avoid saying, “ Don’t take form him.” Say ,” it’s his turn now.”

13. Avoid Threats : Threats are negative way to give consequences. They often provide a negative response.

Example : Say, “Get your money. Then we’ll go to the store,” Avoid saying “ If you don’t get your money , then we can’t go to the store.”

Example : Say, “ Be quite, then we will go to the playground “.Avoid saying “If you aren’t quite , you won’t get to go to play.”

Example: Avoid saying “ If you throw that block at Priya again , You may not play with toys anymore.” This statement is vague and therefore may act as challenge and probably cannot b enforced. What does throwing the block mean ? what does the person need to learn about playing or cleaning up? How long does “ anymore” last?

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Parent's Story

From Diary of a Parent...

The nightmare started with the nagging realization that something was not right with the way our son was developing .This must be every parent's greatest fear.We tried to reassure ourselves with the positive indication that everything was fine.Our son has no physical evidence of problems and he had successfully passed most of the early developmental milestones .We kept hearing ,"so he's not talking yet......Children talk at different times." He was not as social as others, but every child is different , with distinct personalities and temperaments .We wanted to downplay the suspicions. We needed to.We had to.Family members and friends were always eager to help deny the fears.But the nagging feeling just did not go away..

we shared our concern with the pediatrician-someone we trusted and who had aided in our children's care and well being .He said not to worry All children develop a little differently .That was the reassurance we were hoping for and we so wanted to believe it. "May be I'm just being an anxious parent and that may be contributing to the problem," I would say to myself.Maybe I'm doing too much for this child-He is the eldest and they say that can happen with the baby of the family.

But in the passing months ,things did not improve.The gap between our boy and our friend's children continued widen. At the next checkup I again reported the lack of progress .One more time I was told not to worry .There would still be plenty of time for him to talk .The doctor smiled reassuring and said once he start talking , we would probably wish he would be quiet.

One final time me and my husband went together. We pleaded our case with the pediatrician .Maybe it was just to placate us, but he made a referral .I did not know what to feel. Comfort ? Someone finally agreed with us and now something finally can happen .Anger ? I have known something was wrong and no one would listen .Denial ?Perhaps the pediatrician is now overreacting and everything is actually OK. Guilt ?Why did I not follow my gut instincts sooner ?

What I felt was panic wanting to get help for our son immediately .Scheduling to see professionals ,However , proved trying with long waits for appointments and delay that I was beginning to realize he could ill afford . The first professional we met with very coolly and quickly told us that it was autism .I was Devastated , not fully understanding what it meant and all the ramifications , but I knew it was not good . I had actually suspected something like this , but to have the diagnosis was shattering.

I know some parents are not even as "Fortunate " as us to get the diagnosis at such an early age.They are told their child is too young , there is nothing out of the ordinary , The doctor does not see any problem , or at least there is nothing outside of the norm that their children will not outgrow. Without a definitive diagnosis they have bounced from diagnostician to diagnostician , Being provided with alternative and sometimes competing or contradictory explanations for what is occurring with their child.Some parents are given an incorrect diagnosis that sends them down the wrong path altogether.

Having such experience in dealing with professionals , all we can think about is the precious time that our child has lost. You are already feeling tormented and then along come well-meaning family and friends that question the diagnosis. You are so tempted to join them in their disbelief , but deep in your heart you know the best thing to do is to not listen to them .You do not have the time or energy to debate and try convince them.

The nightmare continued . We suffered the pain of not receiving invitations to join in-group activities because unspoken concerns about how our boy would behave.Our circle of friends diminished as we spent increasing time seeking information and treatment .Social activities were difficult to enjoy anyway and birthday party of another child was only reminder of the deficits in our own child.Friends could not have known what to say and their encouragement would sound shallow.I felt isolated ,helpless and lost.

Finally there came an overwhelming need to regroup. Gathering all my strength ,I started trying to sort out options .where do you even start looking for helpful information about autism? The little i founded sound bleak. There was tremendous contradiction and what later turned out to be misinformation.I read that it is little long disorder and that our child would always be seriously impaired. Then there were all supposed " cures". Who was I to believe ? You want to believe that recovery is an option ,but you fear it is really not possible . The nightmare continued.

There are such diverse and strong opinions. Vitamin therapies ,Diets , Allergy treatments ,Play therapy ,sensory integration and so on...There are even some interventions that seem so outrageous they give me a good laugh . And then there are all the therapies Speech , Occupational ,Play , Physical ,Behavioral , Vision .You are told with such conviction that one is absolutely the best and the others may be quite harmful. Then you get a second opinion , Which of course is exactly the opposite .You want to scream!!!

It seemed that there was little that would be truly effective and we would just have to accept the diagnosis and bleak prognosis. We choose special education , hoping our child could at least learn something and be happy . A year later I read something about behavioral treatment and for some reason this time it made me really think . When I questioned the professional , they said no ,it's just not the miracle we were looking for ,that we were already doing everything that could help him . But when I talked to a few parents who were doing intensive behavioral program it seemed like there must be some thing to this .Their children had made amazing progress. When I did more research on my own I found books and scientific articles that provide convincing proof that these anti-behavioral professionals once again were incorrect .The nightmare was ending , but a long road of hard work lay ahead of us...............

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hyperactivity and Autism

'Is your child Hyperactive ? Sit for a moment and think of how you define "Hyperactive " or "Hyperkinesis". What are the specific behavior that make you use these words ? Now when your doctor asks, "Is your child restless?" How do you know what they have in mind for a definition ? Every person has an individual concept of what is an acceptable level of activity of their child , based on their ideas of how children should behave. Some parents encourage their children to be very active, while some parents expect their children to behave like miniature adults.Giving medications designed for hyperactivity will do nothing to decrease what might be better called fidgeting or restlessness may get a heavily sedated , near zombie-like child, but he may still open and shut the cabinet for hours at a time.

A certain amount of energy is natural and to be expected in children.How much is your child's problem due to your awareness that he is autistic versus he is normal ? Often ,an autistic child will be termed hyperactive and given heavy sedative , Yet his non autistic brother will be permitted to run and jump all around , and will be praised for his athleticism and energy . Is the reason you believe he is hyperactive because he has certain behavior , or is it because he doesn't respond to you when you tell him to stop ?

what are the ways your autistic child has to releasing his energy? How many time does he have to play or even walk outside compared to your normal child or your neighbors child ? Autistic children just as all children , should be given ample time to exercise , which is an acceptable and healthy way to release energy . Physical activity can enormously improve a child's behavior inside the home. Some parents say "I want to take my child outside to play, but I'm Terrified he'll run off ,The second I let go of his hand ,He just runs and what if he runs into the street ?" This is legitimate concern , but what is the result of this fear ? The child doesn't go out at all , no doubt doubling the energy he has to move through the house,tipping things over and reinforcing the conviction that he cannot be taken out,

There are ways of managing the behavior that don't involve medication . For the health of your child and your own well being , these should be thoroughly and exhaustively tried before restoring to medication . Remember your doctor is prescribing medication for your child to make the situation easier for you.. He or she is not the person who will deal with your child , and if you learn effective ways of managing challenging behaviors , there is no reason to sedate your child unnecessarily..

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Be Present

Sometime I think that being a stay at home mom, it is easy to feel isolated and staying connected on social media can help us to feel more connected.But At the same time, it can become a distraction and a time suck from things that may be better spent with our time.learning to be present is a skill that have to develop and practice.

How to be Present

1. Limit the use of social media.

I am not saying you have to give it up completely, but try to be mindful and honest in how much time you are spending on it.

Once you realize how much time you are spending on Facebook or watsapp or any other site on internet .you can then decide if you need to cut back. Tell yourself you will only check Facebook for 10 min in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening or whatever schedule works for you.

You can put your phone in the cupboard or drawer during the day, so that it is less tempting to constantly be checking it. Or like going social media free for the first hour when you wake up and the last hour before you go to sleep. After a few weeks, increase it to other times in your day.

“The virtual trap!
Everyday i meet people who are trapped in the virtual world.
They are hooked to Facebook or whatsapp.
Many are having virtual Relationship. Where they share every personal details without fully knowing the intentions of the person on the other side.
Stop being a slave to your electronic devices.
Move out and socialize. Its not that difficult.”

2. Divide your Responsibilities

Hire someone to come clean your house a couple times a month or find a “mother’s helper”. If you this is not a possibility, divide tasks that take up your time to other members of your family. Think , “does this have to be done by me?”, if not then Divide that task..

3. Pick times in the day when you are going to be 100% present with your kids.

Picking one to two 20-30 minute periods a day when you can be fully present and spend quality time with your kids will make such a big difference. It will make you feel more connected to your kids and it will make your children happier and more well behaved.

4. Easify your schedule.

Cut down your commitments to the essentials. I think society tells us that we need to fill our schedules to the brim and put our kids in every kind of extra-curricular there is. However, I feel like when we do this we are missing on opportunities to slow down and be present in our life.

Examine and think extra-curriculars your kids are in do they work for you and and your family and if they are worth the time it takes. I am not saying to cut extra-curriculars all together, if your child loves it and you think it is worth the time, then keep it!

5. Look your child in the eye when they are talking to you.

When your child is asking you a question or talking to you, stop and look them in the eye. This will make them feel valued and like you care about what they are saying. When we half pay attention to what our kids our saying because we are distracted by our phone or social media, it can hurt our relationships with our kids.

6. Be creative with your time.

Some of the best times to connect with your kids are times we wouldn’t normally consider. Instead of listening to music in the car when you are out try talking instead. Also, making dinner together can be a great way to bond with your child.

7. Give yourself “mommy time”.

When you follow your dreams and engage in activities you love, you will feel happier and more refreshed.Spend 30 minutes a day or a few hours a week to yourself to do something you love. It can be something you have always wanted to do like taking a photography or cooking class or it can be something small like taking 30 minutes a day to read a book you have been wanting to read.

“Keep some time absolutely for you ..It is about honouring yourself and connecting with yourself. Taking care of yourself is one of the first steps on the journey of discovering your truth and accessing your creativity..Just BE yourself and do what you enjoy the most, When you honour and nurture yourself you can hear your inner voice much more clearly, it enables you to discover your truth, access your creativity and experience a sense of peace, wholeness, purpose, and balance.”

8. Find Happiness in the moments.

When we learn to find happiness in the moments and stop looking to the future for our happiness, we can be more present in the moment.

“ Aspire , Aim , Act and Achieve . While writing your LIFE STORY use colorful ink and hold the pen yourself .”

Monday, July 11, 2016

Fine Motor Skills and Pencil Grip.

fine Motor Skills

When it comes to using gross motor skills — things like walking, jumping, and running — your little dynamo probably doesn't need much encouragement. But it's equally important that kids work on their fine motor skills — small, precise thumb, finger, hand, and wrist movements — because they support a host of other vital physical and mental skills. Children who have issues with fine motor skills have a hard time developing strong muscles in their hands and wrists. Fine motor skills are the foundation children need before they learn handwriting, in order to have proper pencil grasp and control of a writing instrument.

Here are ideas for activities that can help them build the muscles needed for fine motor skills.

Fine Motor skills include:

· Pencil skills (scribbling, colouring, drawing, writing),

· Scissors skills (cutting),

· Construction skills (lego, duplo),

· Self care (tyng shoelaces, opening lunch boxes).

Note: Visual perception is not strictly a fine motor skill but directly supports fine motor skill performance.

Fine motor skills are essential for performing everyday skills like cutting, self care tasks (e.g. managing clothing fastenings, opening lunch boxes, cleaning teeth) and pencil skills. Without the ability to complete these every day tasks, a child's self esteem can suffer and their academic performance is compromised. They are also unable to develop appropriate independence in life skills (such as getting dressed and feeding themselves).

Some Fine motor Activities

Stock up on play-dough :Play-dough has been a childhood favorite for decades. Not only is it downright fun, but handling play-dough also develops some important skills. Squeezing and stretching it helps strengthen finger muscles, and touching it is a valuable sensory experience.

Do some finger painting :Using finger paint can strengthen your child’s hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity. All you need is an easel or a thick piece of paper, some finger paints and a space—like the yard or garage—where your child can get messy.

Squeeze out a sponge :Set up two separate bowls, one filled with water and the other empty. Give your child a sponge and have her soak it in one bowl. Then have her squeeze the water out of the sponge into the other bowl. She can transfer water back and forth between bowls, too. This simple game can strengthen hands and forearms. It’s especially fun if you throw in some bubbles or some food dye.

Color with broken crayons :Difficulties with fine motor skills can make it tough to grip a pencil. Coloring with small, broken crayons encourages your child to hold the crayon correctly—between her thumb and forefinger. Small pieces of chalk and the pencils used on mini-golf courses work well, too. No matter what you use, this activity a fun way to challenge your child.

Play string games :Another low-tech activity that can provide hours of fun is string games, like Cat’s Cradle. String games help improve finger strength and hand-eye coordination. All you need is some yarn and a little time to teach your child.

Make macaroni necklaces :Stringing together necklaces is a great way for your child to be creative while working on her hand-eye coordination and developing her ability to manipulate objects. To start, give her thick string and big beads or large pieces of dry pasta. Over time, she can work on more complex designs using smaller pieces.

Clothesline :Children use their fine motor muscles to squeeze the clothespins to clip each piece of clothing to the clothesline. I tied a piece of thick string to the handles of a wooden tray to make the clothesline, and used mini clothespins (although the regular sized clothespins can be used as well). The clothes are Barbie doll clothes purchased at a dollar store. As an alternative, you could cut out shapes of shirts and pants from felt.

Clothespins on a Box :Children squeeze the clothespins and clip them to the sides of the box. To make the activity more interesting, I wrote letters on dot stickers and placed the dot stickers around the sides of the boxes. I wrote letters on the clothespins so the children would match the letters on the clothespins to the letters on the boxes. Other skills could be used, e.g. colors, numbers, beginning sounds. This is similar to activities where children clip clothespins to a paper plate or cardstock circle; however, in my experience, those were flimsy and awkward to use, which is why I like the box better. Any sturdy box could be used (shoe box, postal box). The boxes in this picture were stacking gift boxes that held chocolate covered nuts (a Christmas gift), and they worked out perfectly
Nuts & Bolts :These larger nuts and bolts can be purchased individually at hardware stores. Children use their fingers, hands, and wrists, coordinating both hands while grasping and twisting the metal nuts onto the bolts.

Lacing Cards :These can be purchased or made with poster board and a hole puncher. Use shoe laces or plastic lacing. Tie one end of the lace to one hole of the card. Children lace the string through each hole. These can be made to match different themes or holidays.

Plate Sewing :Tie lengths of yarn to plastic yarn needles, and knot the end. Children “sew” the yarn on a styrofoam plate by pushing the needle in and out through the plate.

Stringing Beads :Children string pony beads onto pipe cleaners.

Bean Gluing:Children draw a simple picture on a piece of construction paper with a pencil. They trace the pencil lines with glue and glue the beans onto the design. Gripping the beans with their fingers is good fine motor practice.

Unifix Cubes or Interlock Cubes :Children push the cubes with their hands to hook them together. Unifix cubes connect on one end and can make a long “train”. Interlock Cubes connect on different sides and can make different things, for example the dogs the children were making in the photo.

Paper Clips:The children in my class are always wanting to use paper clips because they see me use them, so I set up this activity in the fine motor center. I cut squares of colored construction paper and placed them on the tray along with colored paper clips. Children stack the papers (all of the same color) and clip them with the matching colored paper clip. This was challenging for some children to manipulate the paper clip, but they loved doing it, and it gave them an opportunity to use paper clips with permission.

Dot to Dot :I made some dots with marker on the white /colored paper now Children draw lines with the markers to connect the dots on the paper.

Pinching Sand:Sand art is a great fine motor activity because children can pinch the sand with their fingers to apply it to their art work. Provide a simple outline (or have the children draw one), a small bowl of white glue, a small bowl of colored sand, and a “glue brush”. I buy the cheap paintbrushes with stiff bristles. These brushes are not a good enough quality for painting, but they make great glue brushes. Children paint the glue on their paper with the brush, pinch some sand with their fingers, and sprinkle it over the glue. Place a pan, tray, or paper plate on the table for children to shake off the excess sand.

Insect Wrapping :Children wrap the plastic insects with pieces of white yarn (“spider webs”). When they are finished wrapping all of the insects, they unwrap them and place the yarn back in the bowl. 

Pouring:Children pour something from one bottle to another. I started out having them pour popcorn seeds. They can later try pouring sand, and then water.

Knobbed Puzzles :Children exercise the fingers used for a pencil grasp when picking up puzzle pieces that have knobs or pegs.

Development of a pencil grip

Using a dynamic tripod grip helps children to write efficiently, effortlessly and for a greater endurance. Writing will become an automatic task, so that children can spend more time concentrating on what they want to write, rather than how to go about writing it. Developing the correct skills required for using a pencil efficiently will also help to develop other fine motor skills, including typing skills.

Fun drawing and writing activities

◗ Provide a range of pencils, textas, crayons and chalks. Use different coloured and sized paper and cardboard.

◗ Vary where your child does his activities for example, work at a table, easel, blackboard, whiteboard or draw on concrete with chalks.

◗ Make birthday cards or special occasion cards.

◗ Use colouring and activity books such as dot to dot or mazes.

◗ Copy and draw shapes and letters.

◗ Draw or write on a Magnadoodle or Megasketcher.

◗ Draw around hands and feet.

◗ Stencils or tracing.

◗ Duo drawing – draw some dots or squiggles and your child joins them to make a picture, or draw the outline of a person and he draws the eyes and mouth.

◗ Play 0 and X’s.

◗ Write a shopping list.

◗ Make a list of your favourite cricket teams or favourite movies.

◗ Write friends’ names and addresses in a book.

◗ Keep a diary.

Activities that develop and strengthen thumb and finger muscles.

Encourage your child to do these activities with her preferred hand and use her thumb and index finger (and middle finger if required).

◗ Play finger games such as incy wincy spider.

◗ Do up buttons on pyjamas and clothes.

◗ Use tweezers to pick up small beads or toys and put them into a container.

◗ Remove coins from a purse one at a time.

◗ Roll, squeeze, push and poke playdough, clay or therapy putty. Make a birds nest by pinching the playdough between the thumb and fingers, then make eggs for the nest by rolling the playdough into balls. Encourage your child to hold small playdough balls between her thumb and index finger and squash the playdough until her fingers meet. (Pretend the playdough is a bug or egg.) Repeat with the thumb and middle finger, and then with the thumb, index and middle fingers all together.

◗ Encourage your child to hold an object (a coin or marble) against the palm of her hand with her ring and little fingers whilst doing some of the above activities.

◗ Tear up coloured paper for pasting or collage activities. ◗ Threading activities such as beads or lacing cards.

◗ Building with duplo and lego.

◗ Squeeze clothes pegs to remove them from the rim of a peg basket (or ice-cream container) or squeeze pegs positioned on a clothes horse to remove dolls clothes or dress ups.

◗ Use stickers or sticky tape to stick things down.

◗ Play board games such as trouble, snakes and ladders or pick up sticks.

◗ Water plants with a spray bottle.

◗ Squirt a water pistol at a target.

Activities that strengthen the wrist

◗ Encourage your child to draw or write, as much as possible, on a vertical surface as this can help your child to achieve a good wrist position. For example, use an easel, blackboard, or tape some paper to a wall.

◗ Encourage your child to do other activities vertically. For example, placing stickers on a window or a piece of paper taped to the wall, playing Connect 4 or threading activities.

◗ Rolling and kneading playdough.

◗ Wrist lifts – place your child’s arm on the table and hold his forearm. Encourage him to make a fist and bend his wrist back as far as possible for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

Classroom Strategies: Fine Motor Skills

• Squeeze ball/ stress ball

• Collect a box of objects. With eyes closed, have the child pick up an object and see if s/he can guess what it is. Collect objects that feel different to each other (i.e. hard, soft, bumpy, prickly, rough, smooth).

• Have the children “bury” their hands in a bucket filled with sand, rice, or very small beads for sensory input. Practice writing letters, numerals, and words in the sand.

• Student can use clothespins to hang up their artwork on clotheslines hung in the classroom

• Playdough-roll into small balls or use scissors to cut playdough

• Tweezers to pick up small items or cotton balls

• Play games with that involve the handling of cards, tongs, and small game pieces

• Games that help develop fine motor skills: Bed Bugs, Operation, Lite Brite, Topple, Pick-Up-Sticks, Pick-Up-Sticks, Jenga, marbles, Connect Four, yo-yo’s, Perfection, Don’t Break the Ice, Legos, Ants in the Pants, Hungry-Hungry Hippos

• Use a spray bottle to water classroom plants or to spray chalkboard to clean it

• Use eye droppers to pick up colored water and make designs on paper

• String beads

• Use hole punchers

• Open/ close zip lock bags

• Bake cookies and mix dough with your hands

• Tear newspaper into strips or crumple newspaper

• Clothespin activities

• Play card games, shuffle cards or play activities that use dice rolled in cupped hands

• Place 10-20 pennies on a table. Practice turning pennies over with the fingers of one hand. To make this more difficult, place pennies in two rows and the turn pennies over with both hands simultaneously. • Pick up 5-10 pennies one at a time and move them in to the palm of the hand. Once all the pennies are in the palm, use the thumb to help move the pennies one at a time back to the fingertips. Try this with the right and left hand! This can be done with various other small items to make it more challenging.

• Practice picking up small items with the fingers (beads, small pegs, pennies etc.) and place them in a container

• Learn to braid hair, rope, or string. Perform games with string such as “Cat’s in the Cradle”

• Learn and practice origami (many craft stores sell books to help learn). Practice folding paper to make an airplane, a table football, or “fortune teller” game.

• Practice tracing around a stencil

• Model “house” made out of toothpicks

• Legos, Kinex, building blocks, linker cubes, Erector Sets

• Tanagrams with blocks

• Puzzles

• Play tic-tac-toe with letters of the alphabet that you are practicing

• Complete activities on a vertical surface. An easel is not necessary; try taping a coloring sheet or activity page on the wall, refrigerator, or any other hard surface.

• Touch thumb to fingers of each hand individually, then simultaneously. Make this more challenging by closing your eyes Place a rubber band around knuckles-open and close hand/ fingers. o Make an “L” shape with the thumb and then move it in toward other fingers and then back out

• Egg carton with small manipulatives such as Pepperidge Farm Goldfish. The child is asked to use his "crabs" (thumb and index finger) to get the fish, one at a time. For the children who don't need the snack as a motivational means, small pegs, buttons, etc. can also be used.

• Create an entire fish bowl scene using Goldfish and adding Cheerios as the bubbles they blow in the water. Have them color in the fish bowl for added fine motor activities.

• Vinyl sticker activities placed on vertical surface

• Spin small tops, twirl markers, etc.

Writing Tools :There are a variety of writing tools and pencil grips that can be used as a child grows and develops. Crayons and pencils come in many sizes and shapes. Although primary (“chunky”) pencils are frequently used with younger children, they are not always appropriate for students with a poor grasp. They can be difficult to manage for a child who already has a poor grasp due to muscle weakness and poor stability. If the child is demonstrating difficulty with managing a primary pencil, have him or her use pencil stubs (approximately 1-2” long) to write. Children do not necessarily need to write with large pencils. They should use pencils in proportion to their hand size, muscle strength, and stability level. It is important to try to modify a student’s pencil grasp as early as possible. Adaptive pencil grips may be helpful in teaching students to modify their grasp. A pencil grip positions the fingers correctly and helps the fingers stay in the position as a child writes. Pencil grips come in several styles: pencil grips that slide on the barrel and position the fingers naturally in place (i.e. Stetro Grip, Triangular Grip, Soft Grip); a Pencil Pal is a ring that fingers slip through before taking their proper place; and a Handi-Writer is a pencil grip that fits around the child’s wrist and holds the pencil at just the right angle. These pencil grips may help discourage ineffective grasping patterns and reduce or eliminate fatigue when writing.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Motivate Your Child

Do you ever feel like the only words that come out of your mouth are direct orders? “Empty the trash, be nice to your sister, quit jumping on the couch!!!” A big part of preventing bad behavior, however, is to provide encouraging words to reinforce good behavior when you see it. And a quick “good job” doesn’t cut it—in fact, phrases like “good boy,” “you’re so smart!” and “you’re the best on your team!” are not considered encouraging words. Instead of focusing on positive internal qualities, they put the emphasis on outward praise, which does nothing to promote good behavior in the future. True encouraging words focus on the deed, not the doer. It motivates a child from the inside to demonstrate similar positive behavior in the future, and to value things like hard work, improvement, teamwork and perseverance. List of Encouraging Words and Phrases Encouraging words can be as simple as, “Thanks for your help!” or “You really worked hard!” Here are a few more examples to try around your house: Thank you for your help! You should be proud of yourself! Look at your improvement! That “A” reflects a lot of hard work! You worked really hard to get this room clean! Thanks for helping set the table, that made a big difference. I noticed you were really patient with your little brother. What do you think about it? You seem to really enjoy science. Your hard work paid off! That’s a tough one, but you’ll figure it out. Look how far you’ve come! I trust your judgment. The time you’re putting into your homework is really paying off. I love being with you. You really put a smile on her face with your kind words! That’s coming along nicely! You really worked it out! That’s a very good observation. Thank you for your cooperation. I see a very thorough job! That’s what we call perseverance! I can tell you really care. You make it look easy! You’ve really got the hang of it! I can tell you spent a lot of time thinking this through. I really feel like a team when we work like this! The best part about using encouraging words with your kids is the glow of happiness you’ll see on their faces. After all, “Your hard work is really paying off!” says you noticed their work, while, “You’re so smart,” might be hard to live up to next time. Try a few of these encouraging words with your kids, and watch their behavior—and effort—improve.