Thursday, July 14, 2016

Be Present

Sometime I think that being a stay at home mom, it is easy to feel isolated and staying connected on social media can help us to feel more connected.But At the same time, it can become a distraction and a time suck from things that may be better spent with our time.learning to be present is a skill that have to develop and practice.

How to be Present

1. Limit the use of social media.

I am not saying you have to give it up completely, but try to be mindful and honest in how much time you are spending on it.

Once you realize how much time you are spending on Facebook or watsapp or any other site on internet .you can then decide if you need to cut back. Tell yourself you will only check Facebook for 10 min in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening or whatever schedule works for you.

You can put your phone in the cupboard or drawer during the day, so that it is less tempting to constantly be checking it. Or like going social media free for the first hour when you wake up and the last hour before you go to sleep. After a few weeks, increase it to other times in your day.

“The virtual trap!
Everyday i meet people who are trapped in the virtual world.
They are hooked to Facebook or whatsapp.
Many are having virtual Relationship. Where they share every personal details without fully knowing the intentions of the person on the other side.
Stop being a slave to your electronic devices.
Move out and socialize. Its not that difficult.”

2. Divide your Responsibilities

Hire someone to come clean your house a couple times a month or find a “mother’s helper”. If you this is not a possibility, divide tasks that take up your time to other members of your family. Think , “does this have to be done by me?”, if not then Divide that task..

3. Pick times in the day when you are going to be 100% present with your kids.

Picking one to two 20-30 minute periods a day when you can be fully present and spend quality time with your kids will make such a big difference. It will make you feel more connected to your kids and it will make your children happier and more well behaved.

4. Easify your schedule.

Cut down your commitments to the essentials. I think society tells us that we need to fill our schedules to the brim and put our kids in every kind of extra-curricular there is. However, I feel like when we do this we are missing on opportunities to slow down and be present in our life.

Examine and think extra-curriculars your kids are in do they work for you and and your family and if they are worth the time it takes. I am not saying to cut extra-curriculars all together, if your child loves it and you think it is worth the time, then keep it!

5. Look your child in the eye when they are talking to you.

When your child is asking you a question or talking to you, stop and look them in the eye. This will make them feel valued and like you care about what they are saying. When we half pay attention to what our kids our saying because we are distracted by our phone or social media, it can hurt our relationships with our kids.

6. Be creative with your time.

Some of the best times to connect with your kids are times we wouldn’t normally consider. Instead of listening to music in the car when you are out try talking instead. Also, making dinner together can be a great way to bond with your child.

7. Give yourself “mommy time”.

When you follow your dreams and engage in activities you love, you will feel happier and more refreshed.Spend 30 minutes a day or a few hours a week to yourself to do something you love. It can be something you have always wanted to do like taking a photography or cooking class or it can be something small like taking 30 minutes a day to read a book you have been wanting to read.

“Keep some time absolutely for you ..It is about honouring yourself and connecting with yourself. Taking care of yourself is one of the first steps on the journey of discovering your truth and accessing your creativity..Just BE yourself and do what you enjoy the most, When you honour and nurture yourself you can hear your inner voice much more clearly, it enables you to discover your truth, access your creativity and experience a sense of peace, wholeness, purpose, and balance.”

8. Find Happiness in the moments.

When we learn to find happiness in the moments and stop looking to the future for our happiness, we can be more present in the moment.

“ Aspire , Aim , Act and Achieve . While writing your LIFE STORY use colorful ink and hold the pen yourself .”

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